“The Faculty of Pharmacy of the Universidade de Lisboa (FFUL) and the Research Institute for Medicines (iMed.ULisboa) have developed a new response for the clinical screening of infections by COVID-19, which allows testing outside the hospital environment.
In order to facilitate the access of Pharmacy Professionals to the clinical screening of infections by COVID-19, the National Association of Pharmacies (ANF) established a protocol with the FFUL that provides for an agile scheduling for the tests.
The tests will be carried out in two ways: without a prescription or with a prescription (non-NHS) – with a cost of € 75; upon presentation of a medical prescription (SNS) – free of charge, with 100% reimbursement.
Pharmacy professionals can use several screening centers contracted by FFUL / iMed.ULisboa.
To schedule the test, Pharmacy Professionals should send an email to testescovid19@ff.ulisboa.pt indicating the identification of the respective Pharmacy (ANF code) and find out from the ANF which screening centers are available to carry out the tests.”