
FFUL’s range of courses covers all study cycles, thereby leading to employability in a number of health areas.

We live in a dynamic, innovative academic environment at FFUL.

FFUL encourages international students to come and have new academic, scientific and cultural experiences at the school.

Students interested in studying at FFUL should first familiarise themselves with the admission conditions, application period and other related information.

FFUL encourages students and teachers to enjoy an international experience that enriches them personally, academically, scientifically, professionally and culturally.

New legislation (Decree-Law No. 66/2018 of 16 August) standardises procedures for recognition of foreign qualifications and makes them fairer, simpler and more transparent.

FFUL provides resources to support students in their school careers and their integration into ULisboa’s academic community.

All FFUL students can turn to the school’s Pedagogical Council whenever necessary and in particular with regard to the defence of their rights and interests.

Regarding the university, they can ask for an opinion from the ULisboa Student Ombudsman.

Here you’ll find some information about FFUL’s training offer and research programmes.