Exchange Programs

The Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Lisbon (FFUL) promotes and encourages the international mobility of students, faculty, and researchers within the framework of global mobility programs established through partnerships with internationally renowned higher education institutions.

Student mobility plays a crucial role in the academic and personal enrichment of students, fostering multiculturalism and the sharing of scientific knowledge. This unique experience provides contact with different cultures and teaching methods, as well as the development of interpersonal and professional skills, making a positive impact on the university experience in all its dimensions: academic, scientific, social, and cultural.

Students participating in exchange programs at FFUL have highlighted the quality of education and the excellence of the support provided, valuing the opportunity to study at an institution with a strong academic tradition that is also innovative in pharmaceutical education and research.

FFUL warmly welcomes students from all partner universities, offering a supportive environment conducive to developing a rich and fulfilling academic journey.

If your higher education institution is interested in establishing a Cooperation Agreement with FFUL, please contact the Academic Services via email at