The Faculty of Pharmacy of the Universidade de Lisboa (FFUL) signed, on 26th April 20, 2020, a protocol with the Ministry of Labour, Solidarity and Social Securit (MTSSS) in support of the most vulnerable populations in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic.
This protocol aims to establish a technical, logistical and financial partnership that allows – within the framework of Ordinance No. 94-C / 2020, of April 17 – to apply screening tests for COVID-19 disease to users and professionals from social sector institutions and solidary, namely “Home Support Service (SAD), Home Support Service for people with disabilities (SAD Disability), Occupational Activity Centers (CAO) and National Integrated Continuing Care Network (RNCCI)”.
This collaboration will make an important contribution “to be able to prevent, plan and outline strategies to mitigate the contagion of the population, namely in the Residential Structures for the Elderly (ERPI) and Home Support Services (SAD).” It is expected that, under this protocol funded by the MTSSS, FFUL will carry out at least 100 tests per day. As the samples come from institutions based “in the metropolitan area, and in other places that are shown to be necessary, under the coordination of the Social Security Institute, I.P.”