Master in Biopharmaceutical Sciences


Programme 2024-2025

This course offers a multidisciplinary approach to understanding the discovery phase of drug development. Students will learn about molecular mechanisms of disease, biomarkers, therapeutic targets, and cutting-edge therapeutic strategies. The program includes real-world scenarios and hands-on experience, with expert instructors and collaborations with R&D units in academia and beyond. The course prepares students for a career in the biopharmaceutical field and offers the opportunity to be part of a community dedicated to improving global health.

  • Offer cutting-edge knowledge and practical training to discover innovative biomarkers, targets, and therapeutic strategies for treating human diseases
  • Develop skills and experience in biopharmaceutical innovation
  • Provide training by academic and industry experts
  • Prepare for careers in universities, research institutes, pharmaceutical companies, or biotechs
  • Improve human health through biopharmaceutical sciences

Teaching Language

Should a non-Portuguese speaking applicant be admitted, classes are taught in English. The course contents and materials are often in English.



4th Workshop: Master’s Degree in Biopharmaceutical Sciences (MCBF) | 9 February 2024 |

Time: 15:30 to 18:45 | Format: Online | Programme

The event, organised by a group of 2nd year MCBF students, is aimed at students attending the 1st year of the master’s degree and the entire FFUL community, and will feature guests from various scientific areas, as well as students who will present their thesis projects and preliminary results.

> Link:

Study plan

120 ECTS:
60 – correspond to the first two semesters.
60 – correspond to the Dissertation.

2 academic years / 4 semesters


The MSc Course in Biopharmaceutical Sciences offers a unique curriculum, with competitive research projects and student-oriented training. It includes a curricular part during year 1, composed by 6 optional curricular units in each semester and mandatory curricular units Scientific Writing and Communication and Design of Experimental Research and Innovation. Students will benefit from participative theoretical classes, theoretical-practical classes, laboratory classes and tutorial supervision. The structure of intensive optional curricular units or courses, with the duration of 2 weeks each, allows the student to define an individual curriculum, according to personal objectives. The tutorial supervision is in agreement with the purposes of the Bologna Process for a Master degree and is based on extensive scientific-pedagogic background of the teaching staff.

Year 2 is dedicated to the research project of the dissertation and ends with the defense to obtain the degree.

Students will have to obtain 30 ECTS, in each semester of the 1st year, in order to successfully complete the curricular part of the course. The choice of the training plan is free, only having as mandatory two units in the first year. The 2nd year is exclusively dedicated to the preparation of the dissertation (60 ECTS).



Study cycle accredited by the Higher Education Assessment and Accreditation Agency (A3ES) on 22/09/2023, under code ACEF/2122/0901202, for a period of 6 years, from 31/07/2022.

Career Opportunities

This MSc Course has been designed for those targeting a career in research universities and institutes, pharmaceutical industry and biotechs, often providing advanced training towards a PhD degree or a career in pharma and biotechs.


From Monday to Friday from 5:00 p.m.

The classes take place at FFULisboa.

The research project of the dissertation will develop in the FFULisboa and/or in any other national/foreign laboratory, recognized by the Scientific Committee of the Course, co-supervised by an internal staff member. Research projects from previous editions are currently being developed by students in internal laboratories and in external laboratories, both in Portugal and abroad.




Fees and Tuition

Full-time general student

National Students
Annual fee: 1.500,00 € (1st year) | 1.750,00 € (2nd year)

International students
Annual fee: 3.250,00 € (1st year) | 3.750,00 € (2nd year)

Consult associated documentation


Postgraduate Studies Office:
