ULisboa Colleges

The ULisboa Colleges promote initiatives that bring together researchers from various Schools and research units to develop new transversal areas of knowledge. The Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Lisbon (FFUL) participates in the following ULisboa Colleges:


The “Mind Brain” College aims to increase transdisciplinary scientific activity and promote the link between the mind and the brain and its social implications.

Goal: To enhance the organizational, scientific, training and technical capacity of the University of Lisbon in the scientific fields that aim at integrated knowledge of mind and brain, as well as to enhance the social technological impact of this knowledge.

Institutions involved: FCULisboa, FFUL, FLULisboa, FMULisboa, FPULisboa and ISTULisboa.


The Chemistry College aims to promote: chemistry in all its scientific and technological aspects; collaboration between ULisboa Schools and foreign institutes, particularly with regard to upper and secondary education and the business sector; the transdisciplinary nature of chemistry with other sciences in which it plays a fundamental role, such as material, biological, pharmacological, medicinal, agronomic and forestry sciences, and the environment.

Goal: Promote chemistry in all its scientific and technological aspects; interdisciplinarity among the various fields of chemistry; transdisciplinarity of chemistry with other sciences in which it plays an important role, such as materials, biological, pharmacological, medicinal, agronomic, forestry and environmental sciences.

Institutions involved: FCULisboa, FFUL, FMHULisboa, ISAULisboa and ISTULisboa.


The Food, Farming and Forestry (F3) College aims to create and translate transdisciplinary knowledge in the fields of food, agriculture and forestry that has an impact on the response to societal and environmental challenges. Responding to these challenges requires new ideas, concepts, methodologies and solutions that are capable of involving the different actors and their valences, a factor that is empowered by a holistic vision. This is only capable of bringing together essential visions and skills in the areas under analysis and thus generating an effective and inclusive dialogue between all areas and knowledge, with a view to integrating ecosystem services, economy, health and social welfare, adapting existing practices and challenging current paradigms.

Goal: Promote, in an ecological and social context and with fertile dialogue between science and local knowledge, sustainable development activities in the areas of food, farming and forestry.

Institutions involved: FCULisboa, FFUL, FLULisboa, FMULisboa, FMVULisboa, FMHULisboa ICSULisboa, IGOTULisboa, ISAULisboa, ISEGULisboa and ISTULisboa.

Tropical College (CTROP)

Tropical College (CTROP) is a consortium of 10 ULisboa Schools whose priorities are research, education, extension and cooperation, in conjunction with innovation and technology transfer, to promote development in tropical regions.

Goal: To develop a transdisciplinary strategy at ULisboa with a view to solving societal challenges in tropical regions, reinforcing ULisboa’s role in scientific diplomacy.

Institutions involved: FCULisboa, FFUL, FLULisboa, FMULisboa, FMVULisboa, FMHULisboa, ISAULisboa, IEULisboa, IGOTULisboa e ISTULisboa.
