VIIAFood / HidroX Project

VIIAFOOD Agenda is a project funded by RRP  (, that aims to promote the structural transformation of the agri-food sector in line with the purpose established in the Pact for Competitiveness and Internationalization of this national sector. For this purpose, VIIAFOOD’s Agenda intends to create a national platform for the development and industrialization of innovative products, processes and services, materializing in a concerted strategic plan, with joint measures and actions oriented to the transversal objectives of the Sector. Thus, VIIAFOOD’s Agenda intends to reinforce collaboration between companies in the agri-food industry, companies in other related industries and Research & Development entities to leverage the creation of synergies and the transfer of knowledge and technologies in order to (re)industrialize the Sector Portuguese agrifood.

Project Title: Agenda VIIAFOOD – Plataforma de Valorização, Industrialização e Inovação comercial para o AgroAlimentar (n.º C644929456-00000040)

Consortium Leader: MC SHARED SERVICES S.A.

Number of entitties of the Consortium: 49 entidades beneficiárias

Total Eligible Cost: *: 113 739 250,88€

Total Financial Support*: 57.872.203,29€

*for all the Agenda

Project HidroX developed by FFUL is a part of VIIAFOOD’s Agenda:

Project Title: Recovery of waste from olive oil presses (HidroX)

Project Code (WorkPackage): WP8

Region of intervention: Lisbon

Beneficiary entity: Faculdade de Farmácia da Universidade de Lisboa

Start Date: 01/07/2022

End Date: 31/12/2025

Time until Conclusion: 42 meses

Investimento da Entidade: 326 621,55 EUROS


The HidroX project intends to demonstrate, through emerging processes of extraction, purification and stabilization of bioactive compounds, the viability of extracts for the food, nutraceutical, pharmaceutical and/or cosmetic industry and food products enriched with OHTYR. The HidroX project is based on validating the bioactivity inherent in extracts rich in OHTYR.

