The objective is to provide the students with competencies, skills and deep knowledge in the main scientific area of the doctoral thesis through early experimental research simultaneous with the advanced courses, laboratory rotations and seminars. It includes the preparation of a short report on the work undertaken with reference to preliminary results, if any, with emphasis in target discovery, drug design, pre-clinical development, or drug safety, bridging the translational gap from discoveries on disease targets and mechanisms into novel diagnostic and therapeutic agents.
The PhD in Pharmacy promotes specialized scientific training, design and development of original and creative research, critical analysis of new and complex ideas, communication with peers and society at large and promotion of technological, social and cultural progress in a knowledge-based society. The beginning of the experimental work leading to the PhD thesis provides a comprehensive and global view of the state of art and experimental knohow required to solve a unique and relevant question. Once again, the modular set up of training activities is consistent with focusing in research training and mobility.