Integrated Master

Special Admission Call for International Students

The International Student Statute (ISS) establishes the entry of international students from outside the European Union (holders of a high school diploma or equivalent in their country of origin) in Portuguese higher education, in 1st cycle and master’s degree courses through the Special Admission Contest for International Students within the scope of International Student Statute.

Students entering higher education under the ISS will be considered as international student until the end of the study cycle in which they are enrolled initially or for transit. International students who acquire the nationality of a Member State of the European Union shall be exempt from this provision, and at the end of the application of international student statute as a consequence of the acquisition of the nationality of a Member State of the European Union shall take effect in the subsequent school year date of acquisition of nationality.



This special call is for applicants who doesn’t hold Portuguese nationality (article no. 3 of Decree-Law no. 62/2018, of 6th August, which amended and republished Decree-Law no. 36/2014).

The international student statute doesn’t apply to:
a) Nationals from a Member State of the European Union;
b) Family members of Portuguese or nationals of a Member State of the European Union, regardless of their nationality;
c) Those who are legally living in Portugal for more than two years, uninterruptedly, on the 1st of January of the year in which they intend to enrol in higher education, as well as their children who are legally living with them;
d) Those who are beneficiaries, on the 1st of January of the year in which they intend to enrol in higher education, of equal rights and duties status granted under an international treaty between the Portuguese State and the State of which they are a national;
e) Those who apply to enrol in higher education through the special access and admission regimes, regulated by Decree-Law no. 64 -A/2023, of 31st of July.


  • Applicants should have a qualification obtained in a country in which that qualification gives them the right to apply and be admitted to higher education in that country or should have a Portuguese secondary education diploma or a foreign legally equivalent qualification.

The equivalence between education systems is carried out based on the tables published by Portaria 224/2006, of March 8 and 699/2006, of July 12.

For additional information about the equivalence of non-Portuguese secondary courses, please consult the webpage of the Portuguese Directorate General for Higher Education.

Admission conditions:

  1. Applicants with a foreign secondary diploma should have similar subjects required by FFULisboa as set in the 4th article of the Regulation of the Admission for International Students of the Universidade de Lisboa.
  2. Applicants are required to have knowledge of Portuguese language.
  3. Applicants from a foreign education system should prove the knowledge in the areas required at 1. based on specific legislation (article 20-A of Decreto-Lei n.º 296-A/98, regulated by Deliberação nº 974/2015).
  4. When the above conditions can’t be matched, applicants must present documentation proving that the curricular components that they have include the knowledge covered by the admission exams.

Knowledge of Portuguese language

  • The enrolment in any 1st cycle or integrated master programme requires the level B2 of the Portuguese language (B2 level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages).
  • The international applicants who have only an intermediate level of proficiency in Portuguese (B1 level), may apply to this special competition as long as they agree to enroll in an Annual Portuguese Language Course.
  • The applicants who have not followed their secondary education in Portuguese language must:
  1. Present a “DEPLE” (Elementary Diploma of Portuguese as a Foreign Language) or a B1 level certificate issued by the School of Arts and Humanities of ULisboa, or submit to a Portuguese language exam at the Faculty of Letters of ULisboa (FLUL). This exam is subject to the payment of a fee and shall take place according with the calendar published every year.
  • The applicants who have not followed their secondary education in Portuguese and do not present a “DIPLE” (Intermediate Diploma of Portuguese as a Foreign Language, B2 level), or a B2 level certificate issued by FLUL, have to enroll in an Annual Portuguese Language Course. This course is lectured at FLUL and is subject to the payment of a fee. The course can be followed during the first year of the degree program. At the end of the first year, the applicants should have achieved the B2 level of proficiency. As long as the B2 level is not achieved, the applicants must re-enroll in the Portuguese language course until that level of proficiency is achieved.

Application and Deadlines

Vacancies: 10 vacancies for the Integrated Master in Pharmaceutical Sciences.


1st Call: 10 Vacancies

  • Application period: from 2nd January to 9th February, 2024
  • Results: until 7th March, 2024
  • Remaining vacancies will be advertised until 1st April 2024
  • Results:
    Applicants Admitted Not  Admitted
    5 3 2

2nd Call: 7 vacancies

  • Application period: from 3rd April to 24th May, 2024
  • Results: until 21st June, 2024
  • Remaining vacancies will be advertised until 15th July 2024
  • Results:
    Applicants Admitted Not  Admitted
    3 3 0

3rd Call: 4 vacancies

  • Application period: from 1st to 31th July, 2024
  • Results:
Nº Candidatos Colocados Não Colocados
1 1 0


Deadline for complaints – up to 10 days after the results are announced

Beginning of classes – 23 September 2024


1.Read the Call for Applications 2024/2025

2. Create user account on Portal FenixEdu:

  • If you have never been a student at FFULisboa you must necessarily pre-register on the FenixEdu Platform.
  • If you are a former student of FFULisboa and have already had a Campus/Edu student account, you must access the FenixEdu Platform and authenticate yourself with your account data.
  • If you have lost access to your account, you can recover your password in the ULisboa users area.
  • If you are a former student of FFULisboa and have never had a Campus/Edu account you should send an email to indicating your full name and ID document number.

3. After creating the credentials, access the Fénix Platform;

4. After accessing the Fénix Platform, in the separate Candidate, choose the Application: Integrated Master – International Student and fill in the requested fields;

5. To complete your application click on the Submit button.


Applicants from Secondary Schools Abroad:

a) Copy of the Foreign Citizen Card or Passport;
b) Declaration, under oath, that he/she does not hold Portuguese nationality;
c) Document proving the conclusion of Portuguese secondary education or equivalent, or if the qualification does not correspond to Portuguese secondary education, a document proving that the qualification gives access to higher education. The document must be validated by the competent authority of the country;
d) Document proving the final classification in Portuguese secondary education or equivalent, indicating the classification scale;
e) Document proving the approval in the entrance examinations defined for the course that is being applied for (Physics and Chemistry, Biology and Geology) or document proving that, during its schooling, it passed the final examinations/curriculum components that integrate the knowledge covered by the above mentioned entrance examinations. The entrance examinations must have been taken in the calendar year or in the 3 calendar years prior to the application;
f) Declaration of the Portuguese language level;
g) Documentary evidence of attendance at higher education and certificate of grades obtained in the subjects taken, as well as the syllabus of the course of origin and syllabus and workload of completed subjects (only for applicants coming from Foreign Higher Education Institutions).

Applicants from foreign higher education institutions:
a) Copy of the ID document;
b) Declaration, under oath, that doesn’t have Portuguese nationality;
c) Certificate of secondary education course that is legally equivalent to the Portuguese one, with a breakdown of the subjects taken, as well as the final national exams of the final secondary education subjects considered as homologous to the entrance examinations required for the course they apply for;
d) Certificate proving the enrolment/enrolment in a foreign higher education institution, stating that the course is recognized as higher education by the legislation of the country concerned
e) A certificate of the curricular units completed in the course and institution of origin, with the corresponding credits (ECTS) and the marks obtained, specifying the classification scale used in the country of origin and indicating the provisional average to the tenths
f) Course syllabus authenticated by the home institution
g) A colour passport-type photograph.

Applications that are not accompanied by all the requested documents will be preliminarily rejected.

Enrollment and Registrations

Enrollment and registration should take within the deadlines established by the Faculty.

Tuition fees

Application fee: 60,00 €

Enrolment and registration fee: 25,00 €

Tuition fee: 7.000,00 € /year

In the 1st year, the enrolment and registration is only confirmed after a single payment corresponding to 30% of the total amount of the tuition fee plus the amount of the enrolment and registration fee.

The tuition fees are paid in several instalments.

The enrolment and registration fee is paid annually in the beginning of each academic year.

In case of withdrawal:
– The student doesn’t receive any return of the payments that were already made.
– When it is duly formalized, the student will only be released from the payment of the tuition fee’ benefits that have not yet expired.

FFULisboa Tuition fees 2023/2024 for international students


Núcleo de Planeamento e Gestão Académica da FFULisboa
