MAC is a cycle of studies that prepares, from a theoretical and practical point of view, superior technicians in the different scientific areas of Clinical Analysis based on the EFLM Sillabus. The four month internship in prestigious laboratories complements learning and brings students closer to the job market.
The course aims to provide a solid and up-to-date training in different scientific domains of the clinical analyzes, guaranteeing a comprehensive laboratory component in order to confer skills for the achievement of laboratory techniques applicable to the prevention, diagnosis and monitoring of the disease, as well as to ensure a professional specialization and to promote the academic training necessary to follow studies of higher cycle in different scientific areas of the clinical analyzes.
Teaching Language
The classes are taught in Portuguese.
120 ECTS:
75 – correspond to the curricular component (3 semesters).
45 – correspond to the internship report or dissertation.
2 academic years / 4 semesters
Study cycle accredited by the Higher Education Assessment and Accreditation Agency (A3ES), on 23/01/2018, under code ACEF/1415/0417932, for a period of 6 years.
Note: Accreditation in progress.
Clinical Analysis Laboratories
Public Health Laboratories
Immunohemotherapy services
Estudante em regime geral a tempo integral
Full-time student
National Students
Annual fee: 3.750,00 € (1st year) | 1.500,00 € (2nd year)
International students
Annual fee: 5.000,00 € (1st year) | 2.000,000 € (2nd year)
Postgraduate Studies Office: