Integrated Master in Pharmaceutical Sciences

Seminar I – From Discovery to the Use of Medicines



Learning outcomes

The curricular unit of Seminar I – From Discovery to the Use of Medicines aims to provide the necessary training to understand the impact of science and technology on health, in general, and on the discovery, development and use of medicines, in particular. It combines seminars and coaching with experts on relevant topics and transversal competencies, providing students with the necessary tools to enhance their interest in science and technologies in therapeutics and health. General learning objectives: 1) understand the scientific bases and interdisciplinarity of discovery, development and usage of medicines; 2) analyze, interpret and evaluate new ideas; 4) organize, systematize and disseminate knowledge; and 5) promoting technological, social and cultural progress in a knowledge-based society. Within the scope of acquisition of transversal, social and personal skills, the student must develop perception of interdependence and autonomy, cultivating an open, entrepreneurial and communicative spirit, guided by values, integrity, ethics and citizenship.


The syllabus and competences encompass different aspects of the following themes: Scientific bases and interdisciplinarity of discovery, development and use of medicines; Translational science in drug discovery; Advanced therapies and regenerative medicine; Drug discovery and drug design; Technological development of pharmaceutics; Evidence-based health. Other transversal topics will be addressed, such as: Education in health and technology; Training, research and innovation; Knowledge valorization; Positive communication; Communication in health; Individual, social and cultural values; Team dynamics and individual work.
