Special Statutes

In certain situations provided for by law, students can benefit from special statutes and enjoy advantages, as long as they can prove that they fulfil the necessary requirements to apply for the respective statute.

Deadlines: Consult the Academic Deadlines Map.

How: Requests are made exclusively through the Fénix platform, in the myFenix » Services » Requistions area.

  1. Consult Circular Informativa n.º 1/AA/2024 – Pedido e Concessão de Estatutos Especiais (in Portuguese).
  2. Gather the documentation required for the special statute you want.
  3. Read the Manual for Requesting a Special Statute.

Only correctly instructed requests with the required documentation are considered.


Students who profess religious denominations that sanctify days of the week other than Sunday are eligible for the statute.

Documentation to submit to Fenix

  • A declaration signed by the head of the religious denomination stating that the student professes that denomination.


  • Exemption from attending classes on the days of the week dedicated to rest and worship by the respective religious denominations, at the student’s request;
  • Assessment tests may be taken on a different day of the week if their date coincides with the day dedicated to rest and worship by the respective religious denominations.

Applicable legislation

Lei da Liberdade Religiosa (Lei n.º 16/2001 – artigo 14.º)
Portaria n.º 947/87


Documentation to submit to Fenix

  • Medical certificate proving pregnancy, with an indication of the expected date of delivery.


  • Access to the Special Season;
  • Justification of absences for prenatal appointments, childbirth, breastfeeding, illness and childcare;
  • Postponement of the presentation or delivery of work.

Applicable legislation
Medidas de apoio social às mães e pais estudantes (Lei n.º 90/2001)

Documentation to submit to Fenix

  • Child’s birth certificate.


  • Access to the Special Season;
  • Justification of absences for breastfeeding, illness and childcare;
  • Postponement of the presentation or delivery of work.

Applicable legislation
Medidas de apoio social às mães e pais estudantes (Lei n.º 90/2001)

Documentation to submit to Fenix

  • Child’s birth certificate.


  • Access to the Special Season;
  • Justification of absences due to the illness, accident or hospitalisation of a child.

Applicable legislation
Medidas de apoio social às mães e pais estudantes (Lei n.º 90/2001)

Documentation to submit to Fenix

  • Medical document proving the child’s illness.


  • Access to the Special Season;
  • Justification of absences due to the illness, accident or hospitalisation of a child.

Applicable legislation
Medidas de apoio social às mães e pais estudantes (Lei n.º 90/2001)


Students with Special Educational Needs are those who, due to a congenital or acquired loss or anomaly of bodily functions or structures, including psychological functions, present specific difficulties which, in combination with environmental factors, limit or hinder their activity and participation on equal terms with other people, under the terms of Lei n.º 38/2004, de 18 de agosto.

Documentation to submit to Fenix

  • Report(s) or supporting opinion(s) issued by specialists (doctors, psychologists, speech therapists or others indicated for each specific case).

The report(s) or opinion(s) must explain the type of disability and its severity, according to the work to be carried out by the student during university attendance, namely:

  • In the case of visual impairment, an assessment of the acuity and visual field in each eye, with the best correction;
  • In the case of hearing problems, an assessment of the hearing capacity of each ear, with the best correction;
  • In the case of motor disabilities, information on the affected limbs;
  • In the case of chronic illnesses, information on their functional implications;
  • In the case of mental illness, information on the type of pathology, as well as the degree of impairment at a cognitive, emotional and social level and in relation to normal adaptation to the surrounding context;
  • In the case of specific learning difficulties, such as dyslexia, dysorthography, dysgraphia, dyscalculia or others, a report stating the type and degree of impairment in terms of understanding or producing written material.


  • Access to the Special Season;
  • Priority in any act of enrolment, registration and schedule selection (classes and shifts);
  • Possibility of the presence of a third element (e.g. animal);
  • Assessment tailored to the needs of each student;
  • Special prescription regime.

Applicable legislation

Regulamento do Estudante com Necessidades Educativas Especiais da Universidade de Lisboa (Despacho n.º 6255/2016)


Students who perform military service under contract or volunteer schemes in the Armed Forces, under the terms and for the purposes of the Law on Military Service.

Documentation to submit to Fenix

  • Proof of military status issued by the competent authority.


  • Access to the Special Season;
  • Priority in choosing schedules;
  • Exemption from attending a minimum number of classes per curricular unit to be agreed with the teacher responsible for the CU;
  • Exemption from the prescription regime;
  • Exemption from taking exams if they coincide with military operations;
  • Possibility of taking exams on alternative dates if they coincide with military operations.

Applicable legislation
Decreto-Lei n.º 76/2018, de 11 de outubro

Student Leaders of Higher Education

Documentation to submit to Fenix

  • Duly authenticated copy of the minutes of the swearing-in.


  • Access to the Special Season;
  • Justification of absences from classes when motivated by attendance at activities or meetings of the bodies to which they belong, if these coincide with teaching hours (proof must be presented to the Academic Services within 48 hours);
  • Request up to five exams per academic year, in addition to exams in the normal and special periods, up to a maximum of two per subject (to be requested at the beginning of each semester from the Academic Services);
  • Postpone the presentation of assignments and reports;
  • Carry out written tests on another date, to be agreed with the teachers, coinciding with unavoidable association activities.

Applicable legislation
Lei n.º 57/2019, de 7 de agosto

Documentation to submit to Fenix

  • Duly authenticated copy of the instrument of investiture or the minutes of the election.


  • Access to the Special Season;
  • Justification of absences from classes when motivated by attendance at activities or meetings of the bodies to which they belong, if these coincide with teaching hours (proof must be presented to the Academic Services within 48 hours);
  • Request up to five exams per academic year, in addition to exams in the normal and special periods, up to a maximum of two per subject (to be requested at the beginning of each semester from the Academic Services);
  • Postpone the presentation of assignments and reports;
  • Carry out written tests on another date, to be agreed with the teachers, coinciding with unavoidable association activities.

Applicable legislation
Lei n.º 57/2019, de 7 de agosto

Documentation to submit to Fenix

Document proving the student’s election or swearing-in issued by the competent authority.


  • Access to the Special Season;
  • Justification of absences from classes when motivated by attendance at activities or meetings of the bodies to which they belong, if these coincide with teaching hours (proof must be presented to the Academic Services within 48 hours);
  • Request up to five exams per academic year, in addition to exams in the normal and special periods, up to a maximum of two per subject (to be requested at the beginning of each semester from the Academic Services);
  • Postpone the presentation of assignments and reports;
  • Carry out written tests on another date, to be agreed with the teachers, coinciding with unavoidable association activities.

Applicable legislation
Lei n.º 57/2019, de 7 de agosto

Documentation to submit to Fenix

  • A document issued by the Association’s management stating that the Association has been registered in the National Register of Youth Organisations (RNAJ) and the names of the members benefiting from the status of youth association leader.


  • Justification of absences from classes when motivated by attendance at activities or meetings of the bodies to which they belong, if these coincide with teaching hours (proof must be presented to the Academic Services within 48 hours).

Applicable legislation
Lei n.º 57/2019, de 7 de agosto


Documentation to submit to Fenix

  • Updated and stamped statement from the employer, duly authenticated, indicating:
    – The employee’s name;
    – Social security number;
    – Employee’s tax number;
    – Working hours and start and end date of the employment contract.


  • Access to the Special Season;
  • Priority in choosing schedules;
  • Exemption from attending a minimum number of classes per curricular unit to be agreed with the teacher responsible for the CU;
  • Exemption from the prescription regime.

Applicable legislation
Lei n.º 7/2009, de 12 de fevereiro (art.º 89.º e 96.º)
Lei n.º 105/2009, de 14 de setembro (art.º 12º)

Documentation to submit to Fenix

  • Declaration of registration or exemption from registration in Social Security;
  • Declaration of start/restart of activity issued by the Tax Office and/or copy of the last two receipts for services provided.


  • Access to the Special Season;
  • Priority in choosing schedules;
  • Exemption from attending a minimum number of classes per curricular unit to be agreed with the teacher responsible for the CU;
  • Exemption from the prescription regime.
  • 2nd cycle students can enjoy a maximum extension of 2 years (four semesters), after which their right to enrolment lapses.

Applicable legislation
Lei n.º 7/2009, de 12 de fevereiro (art.º 89.º e 96.º)
Lei n.º 105/2009, de 14 de setembro (art.º 12º)
Lei n.º 35/2014, de 20/06/2014
Lei n.º 100/2019, de 06/09/2019

Documentation to submit to Fenix

  • Document proving recognition of informal carer status, issued by the Social Security Institute.


  • Access to the Special Season;
  • Priority in choosing schedules;
  • Exemption from attending a minimum number of classes per curricular unit to be agreed with the teacher responsible for the CU;
  • Exemption from the prescription regime;
  • 2nd cycle students can enjoy a maximum extension of 2 years (four semesters), after which their right to enrolment lapses.

Applicable legislation
Lei n.º 7/2009, de 12 de fevereiro (art.º 89.º e 96.º)
Lei n.º 105/2009, de 14 de setembro (art.º 12º)
Lei n.º 35/2014, de 20/06/2014
Lei n.º 100/2019, de 06/09/2019

Documentation to submit to Fenix

  • Document issued by the Instituto de Emprego e Formação profissional (IEFP), proving attendance of the course or programme.


  • Access to the Special Season;
  • Priority in choosing schedules;
  • Exemption from attending a minimum number of classes per curricular unit to be agreed with the teacher responsible for the CU;
  • Exemption from the prescription regime.
  • 2nd cycle students can enjoy a maximum extension of 2 years (four semesters), after which their right to enrolment lapses.

Applicable legislation
Lei n.º 7/2009, de 12 de fevereiro (art.º 89.º e 96.º)
Lei n.º 105/2009, de 14 de setembro (art.º 12º)
Lei n.º 35/2014, de 20/06/2014
Lei n.º 100/2019, de 06/09/2019


Student members of professional, mixed or volunteer fire brigades, with at least two years of effective service.

Documentation to submit to Fenix

  • Proof of membership issued by the Corporation in question.


  • Access to the Special Season;
  • Priority in choosing schedules;
  • Justification of absences from classes due to operational activity, when requested by the fire brigade commander;
  • Possibility of taking, on a different date, assessment tests that you were unable to attend due to operational activity;
  • Reimbursement of tuition and enrolment fees if they were successful in the previous year.

Applicable legislation
Decreto-Lei n.º 241/2007, de 21 de junho


Documentation to submit to Fenix

  • An up-to-date and stamped statement issued by Instituto Português do Desporto e Juventude (IPDJ) or by the sports federation.


  • Access to the Special Season;
  • Priority in choosing schedules;
  • Dismissal from classes during the period of preparation and participation in sporting competitions (proof must be presented to the Academic Services).

Applicable legislation
Lei n.º 7/2009, de 12 de fevereiro (art.º 89.º e 96.º)
Lei n.º 105/2009, de 14 de setembro (art.º 12º)
Lei n.º 35/2014, de 20/06/2014
Lei n.º 100/2019, de 06/09/2019

Documentation to submit to Fenix

  • Proof issued by the competent sports services of participation in the championships and sports competitions provided for in article 3 of Decreto-Lei n.º 55/2019, de 24 de abril, or in the 1st or 2nd divisions of the University Championships of Lisbon.


  • Access to the Special Season;
  • Priority in choosing schedules;
  • Justification of class absences for attendance at official competitions of the respective sport (proof must be presented to Academic Services).

Applicable legislation
Decreto-Lei n.º 55/2019, de 24 de abril
Regulamento do Estatuto de Estudante-Atleta da Universidade de Lisboa

Documentation to submit to Fenix

  • The AEFFUL Sports Department must submit a list of the students enrolled in its teams/sports and the student must submit a declaration of honour stating that they are a FFUL student and that they are a student of the sport in question.


  • Access to the Special Season;
  • Priority in choosing schedules;
  • Justification of class absences for attendance at official competitions of the respective sport (proof must be presented to Academic Services);
  • Possibility of changing the date of the assessment, as long as it coincides with championships and competitions.

Applicable legislation
Regulamento do Estatuto de Estudante-Atleta da Universidade de Lisboa
