Eligible applicants:
Upon completing secondary school, students who wish to enrol in the Integrated Master’s Degree in Pharmaceutical Sciences (MICF) at FFULisboa must apply through the National Call for Access to Higher Education (CNAES – Concurso Nacional de Acesso ao Ensino Superior). Applications are made through the Directorate-General for Higher Education (DGES).
- Having successfully completed secondary school or obtained a legally equivalent qualification;
- Having taken the final exams required by FFULisboa and obtained a grade equal to, or higher, than the minimum required;
- Having fulfilled pre-requisite B.
Required exams (cumulative):
- Biology and Geology (B)
- Physics and Chemistry (Q)
Minimum scores:
- Exams: 95 points
- Final score for application: 95 points
The applicants are sorted using the following formula:
- Secondary school final grade (or legally equivalent qualification): 50%
- Final exams: 50%.
For the purposes of access to higher education:
- The final grade of the secondary school course is calculated in accordance with the applicable legal norms, to the tenths, without rounding, and converted to a scale of 0 to 200;
- Final exams grades are not rounded.
Group B – Aims to prove the absence of psychic, sensory, or motor impairment that seriously interferes with functional and interpersonal communication skills to the point of impeding one’s own, or others’, learning. Within this scope, the applicant must, upon enrolment and registration at FFULisboa, hand in a medical statement proving that he/she meets the prerequisite.
It is mandatory that the medical statement be issued in accordance with the template available for that purpose.
Legislation: Decree-Law 296-A / 98, of 25 September
Submission of applications: through the DGES webpage or through the Higher Education Access Offices.
Access for the 2024/2025 academic year
Vacancies: 215
Applications: according to the calendar set by the Directorate General for Higher Education.
Final scores of students placed in 2023/2024 (by phase):
- 1st Phase: 151,3
- 2nd Phase: 155,5
- 3rd Phase: 155,3
Applications for access to higher education are made annually through the national call organised by the Directorate-General for Higher Education, which takes place in three phases. In 2024, the schedule for the National Access Call is as follows:
1st phase
- Execution: 23 July to 5 August
- Results: 25 August
2nd phase
- Execution: 26 August to 4 September
- Results: 15 September
3rd phase
- Execution: 21 September to 24 September
- Results: 30 September