Integrated Master’s Applications

Portuguese National Access to Higher Education Call

Eligible applicants:

Upon completing secondary school, students who wish to enrol in the Integrated Master’s Degree in Pharmaceutical Sciences (MICF) at FFULisboa must apply through the National Call for Access to Higher Education (CNAES – Concurso Nacional de Acesso ao Ensino Superior). Applications are made through the Directorate-General for Higher Education (DGES).


  • Having successfully completed secondary school or obtained a legally equivalent qualification;
  • Having taken the final exams required by FFULisboa and obtained a grade equal to, or higher, than the minimum required;
  • Having fulfilled pre-requisite B.

Required exams (cumulative):

  • Biology and Geology (B)
  • Physics and Chemistry (Q)

Minimum scores:

  • Exams: 95 points
  • Final score for application: 95 points

The applicants are sorted using the following formula:

  • Secondary school final grade (or legally equivalent qualification): 50%
  • Final exams: 50%.

For the purposes of access to higher education:

  • The final grade of the secondary school course is calculated in accordance with the applicable legal norms, to the tenths, without rounding, and converted to a scale of 0 to 200;
  • Final exams grades are not rounded.


Group B – Aims to prove the absence of psychic, sensory, or motor impairment that seriously interferes with functional and interpersonal communication skills to the point of impeding one’s own, or others’, learning. Within this scope, the applicant must, upon enrolment and registration at FFULisboa, hand in a medical statement proving that he/she meets the prerequisite.

It is mandatory that the medical statement be issued in accordance with the template available for that purpose.

Legislation: Decree-Law 296-A / 98, of 25 September

Submission of applications: through the DGES webpage or through the Higher Education Access Offices.

Additional information

Access for the 2024/2025 academic year

Vacancies: 215

Applications: according to the calendar set by the Directorate General for Higher Education.

Final scores of students placed in 2023/2024 (by phase):

  • 1st Phase: 151,3
  • 2nd Phase: 155,5
  • 3rd Phase: 155,3

Applications for access to higher education are made annually through the national call organised by the Directorate-General for Higher Education, which takes place in three phases. In 2024, the schedule for the National Access Call is as follows:

1st phase

  • Execution: 23 July to 5 August
  • Results: 25 August

2nd phase

  • Execution: 26 August to 4 September
  • Results: 15 September

3rd phase

  • Execution: 21 September to 24 September
  • Results: 30 September

The Special Regimes are application regimes for students with specific qualifications and conditions.

In the same academic year a candidate may only apply for enrolment and registration through one of the Special Regimes.

Holders of a Portuguese or foreign higher education degree, except for Officers of the Portuguese Armed Forces, cannot apply for enrolment and registration through the Special Regimes.

Beneficiaries: The following may apply to the Special Regimes:

  • Portuguese officials of a Portuguese diplomatic mission abroad and their family members accompanying them;
  • Portuguese citizens with a scholarship abroad or public servants on an official mission abroad or public servants on an official mission abroad and their family members accompanying them;
  • The officers of the permanent staff of the Portuguese Armed Forces, in order to satisfy specific training needs of the Armed Forces;
  • National scholarship students from Portuguese-speaking African countries, within the framework of cooperation agreements signed by the Portuguese State;
  • Foreign employees of diplomatic missions accredited in Portugal and their family members residing here, on a reciprocal basis;
  • Athletes with high competition status or integrated in the high competition pathway;
  • Natural persons and children of natural persons from the territory of Timor.

How: the application is presented in the Offices for Access to Higher Education of the district or autonomous region of residence, and the Directorate General of Higher Education is responsible for the selection of candidates.

What are the deadlines?

The application to the Special Regimes obeys the deadlines established by law (Special Regimes calendar), that are published annually, by Order of the Director General of Higher Education.

For more information consult the website of DGES – Directore-General for Higher Education.

Applicants accepted under this regime will be contacted by the Academic Office of FFUL to proceed with their enrolment and registration.

Special Access Call

Academic Year 2024/2025

Vacancies: The Readmission Call is not subject to quantitative limitations.

Applications: 01 to 15 July 2024

1. Carefully read the 🗎 Call for Readmission (PT).

2. Access the FenixEdu Platform, using the access credentials:

  • If you have never been a student at FFULisboa you must necessarily pre-register on the FenixEdu Platform.
  • If you are a former student of FFULisboa and have already had a Campus/Edu student account, you must access the FenixEdu Platform and authenticate yourself with your account data.
  • If you have lost access to your account, you can recover your password in the ULisboa users area.
  • If you are a former student of FFULisboa and have never had a Campus/Edu account you should send an email to indicating your full name and ID document number.

3. Choose the type of application.

4. Attach in digital format all the documents necessary for the application process.

5. Select the option “Submit”.


Applications Placed candidates
5 5

Academic Year 2024/2025

Vacancies: 16

The application, selection process, and announcement of results is carried out by the Rectory of the University of Lisbon, and all information is available at

Candidates may apply to the FFULisboa if they have passed the exams administered by the Rectory of the University of Lisbon.

Aplications for admission to FFULisboa: 01 to 15 August 2024

1. Carefully read the 🗎 Call for Older than 23 (PT).

2. Access the FenixEdu Platform, using the access credentials:

  • If you have never been a student at FFULisboa you must necessarily pre-register on the FenixEdu Platform.
  • If you are a former student of FFULisboa and have already had a Campus/Edu student account, you must access the FenixEdu Platform and authenticate yourself with your account data.
  • If you have lost access to your account, you can recover your password in the ULisboa users area.
  • If you are a former student of FFULisboa and have never had a Campus/Edu account you should send an email to indicating your full name and ID document number.

3. Choose the type of application.

4. Attach in digital format all the documents necessary for the application process.

5. Select the option “Submit”.

Results: Until 2 September 2024.

Academic Year 2024/2025

Vacancies: 21

Applications: 1 to 15 August 2024

1. Carefully read the 🗎 Call for Holders of Other Higher Education Degrees (PT) and fill the Application form (PT).

2. Access the FenixEdu Platform, using the access credentials:

  • If you have never been a student at FFULisboa you must necessarily pre-register on the FenixEdu Platform.
  • If you are a former student of FFULisboa and have already had a Campus/Edu student account, you must access the FenixEdu Platform and authenticate yourself with your account data.
  • If you have lost access to your account, you can recover your password in the ULisboa users area.
  • If you are a former student of FFULisboa and have never had a Campus/Edu account you should send an email to indicating your full name and ID document number.

3. Choose the type of application.

4. Attach in digital format all the documents necessary for the application process.

5. Select the option “Submit”.

Results: Until 2 September 2024.

Academic Year 2024/2025

Vacancies: 22

Applications: 01 to 15 August 2024

1. Carefully read the 🗎 Call for Course Change  (PT).

2. Access the FenixEdu Platform, using the access credentials:

  • If you have never been a student at FFULisboa you must necessarily pre-register on the FenixEdu Platform.
  • If you are a former student of FFULisboa and have already had a Campus/Edu student account, you must access the FenixEdu Platform and authenticate yourself with your account data.
  • If you have lost access to your account, you can recover your password in the ULisboa users area.
  • If you are a former student of FFULisboa and have never had a Campus/Edu account you should send an email to indicating your full name and ID document number.

3. Choose the type of application.

4. Attach in digital format all the documents necessary for the application process.

5. Select the option “Submit”.

Results: Until 02 September 2024.

Pharmacy Graduates (Pre-Bologna)

Academic Year 2024/2025

Vacancies: 10

Applications: 01 to 15 August 2024

1. Carefully read the 🗎 Call for Pharmacy Graduates (Pre-Bologna).

2. Access the FenixEdu Platform, using the access credentials:

  • If you have never been a student at FFULisboa you must necessarily pre-register on the FenixEdu Platform.
  • If you are a former student of FFULisboa and have already had a Campus/Edu student account, you must access the FenixEdu Platform and authenticate yourself with your account data.
  • If you have lost access to your account, you can recover your password in the ULisboa users area.
  • If you are a former student of FFULisboa and have never had a Campus/Edu account you should send an email to indicating your full name and ID document number.

3. Choose the type of application.

4. Attach in digital format all the documents necessary for the application process.

5. Select the option “Submit”.

Results: Until 02 September 2024.

Extracurricular Courses

All students enrolled in the 1st and 2nd study cycles at FFUL may apply for extracurricular courses, according to the deadlines established by the Academic Services. The fee is calculated taking into account the number of ECTS in which the student is enrolled, namely

  • Integrated Master’s Degree in Pharmaceutical Sciences – €15 per ECTS;
  • Remaining FFUL Master’s Degrees – 35 euros per ECTS.

Deadlines: Academic Deadlines Map

Results: Depends on the Course Coordinator’s Order.


    1. Access the FenixEdu Platform, using the access credentials:
      In case you have lost access to your account, you can recover the password in the ULisboa users area.
    2. In the Application tab, choose the type of application: “Extracurricular Units”.
    3. Fill in the online form.
    4. Select the option “Submit”.

Standalone Course Units

Individuals over the age of 16, with or without ties to higher education institutions and who are interested in attending individual course units.

Applicable regulations:

Deadlines: Academic Deadlines Map

Results: Dependent on the Dispatch of the Course Coordinator


  • Identification document (Identity Card / Citizen Card / Passport);
  • Colour passport-type photograph;
  • Curriculum Vitae, up to date;
  • Certificate of academic qualifications;
  • If you are registered in any ULisboa School you must also submit a statement from the School stating you are covered by the school insurance.


  1. Carefully read Order No. 4/2020 – Enrolment in Isolated Curricular Units at the FFUL (PT)
  2. Carefully read the Application Manual (PT)
  3. Access the FenixEdu Platform, using the access credentials:
    • If you have never been a student at FFULisboa you must necessarily pre-register on the FenixEdu Platform.
    • If you are a former student of FFULisboa and have already had a Campus/Edu student account, you must access the FenixEdu Platform and authenticate yourself with your account data.
    • If you have lost access to your account, you can recover your password in the ULisboa users area.
    • If you are a former student of FFULisboa and have never had a Campus/Edu account you should send an email to indicating your full name and ID document number.
  4. Choose the type of Application: “Isolated Course Units”.
  5. Complete the online form and attach all documents in digital format.
  6. Select the “Submit” option.
  7. Pay the €10 application fee.

Selection Criteria:

Candidates are chosen by the course coordinator.

Application / registration limits

  • Registration depends on availability of vacancies in each course unit.
  • The maximum number of individual course units for which an applicant can register cannot exceed a total of 30 ECTS in each academic year.
  • Registration in an isolated course unit may be dependent on previous qualifications requirements that are considered essential for a minimum understanding of the information imparted and for the acquisition of course unit’s skills.

Charges and Tuition Fees:

The rates and fees are as set out in the table included as an attachment to Order No. 4/2020. (PT)

  • Application Fee: €10
  • Registration Fee: €25
  • School Insurance: €2.10

Student Mobility ULisboa


Students enrolled in any ULisboa School wishing to attend a course in FFULisboa that can be framed in their study plan.

Applicable legislation

Student Mobility ULisboa Dispatch (in Portuguese)

Application conditions

Students should be enrolled in an ULisboa school.


Statement issued by the ULisboa school academic services, indicating that the student is covered by the school insurance.


  1. The student must apply for the enrollment at the home ULisboa school;
  2. The school formalizes the request with the Academic Services of FFULisboa;
  3. After approval, the student must apply / enroll to the courses in FenixEdu Platform;
  4. Access to the FenixEdu Platform:
    • If you have never been a student at FFULisboa, please create a username and password at FenixEdu platform.
    • In case you already have a Campus@ULisboa or account, you should access the FénixEdu Platform and enter your username and password;
      If you do not remember the credentials you can retrieve them here;
    • In case if you have previously been a student at FFUL and have not a account, please send us an email to with your full name and identification number (Citizen’s Card, Identity Card or Passport).
  1. Access to the FenixEdu platform with your username and password.
  2. Choose the “Student Mobility ULisboa” Application and submit the requested documents
  3. Select the “Submit” option.

Fees and Tuition:

The student pays to the School of origin the full amount of the fees and charges for the course in which he/she is enrolled.

Students in mobility must have their school activity covered by their school insurance policy in the School of origin.


Academic Office
Planning and Academic Management Unit:
