Evaluation of the PhD Advanced Training Course (1st year)

At the end of the 1st year, the student must submit an application for admission to doctoral course examinations.

The exam consists of the presentation and discussion of a report before a jury that will evaluate the scientific quality of the thesis plan, the student’s oral communication skills and argumentation.

The student can only present this application if they are not in any type of debt to FFUL.

The requests for admission to the public Discussion are sent by the Academic Services for analysis by the Scientific Council until the 15th working day of each month.

The application is made FenixEdu Platform, under Candidature ” Applications, and select the option “”Admission to CFA Examinations”.



  • Application addressed to the President of the Scientific Council;
  • Report in PDF format (report structure: table of contents, declaration of compliance with the University of Lisbon’s Code of Conduct and Good Practices, summary, introduction, specific aims, preliminary results, conclusions and references). The cover and the title page must follow the corresponding template, including names and logos of the University of Lisbon and Faculty of Pharmacy, title and mention as “Relatório do Curso de Doutoramento”, student’s name, supervisor’s name(s) and year. There are no restrictions regarding format (font type and size or number of pages. Report Cover Page and Cover Sheet Template;
  • Curriculum Vitae;
  • Opinion of the supervisor and co-supervisor(s) about the evaluation of the PhD course, with the agreement of the Department Chair;
  • Statement of the Conference (date held and final grade);
  • Statement of the 4 laboratory rotations (date held and final grade);
  • Statement of the 4 advanced courses (name of course, date held and final grade)
  • Statement from the Monitoring Committee for the 1st year.

Jury Proposal

  • The advisor must send by email, doutoramentos@ff.ulisboa.pt , the jury proposal, indicating the full name, updated category, institution (with the indication of the country when foreign) and email address of all members of the jury.
  • The jury is composed of the President (Chair of the Department), the Advisor or the Co-Advisor and two examiners
  • The jury proposal is a document that is part of the application for admission to the exams, so it must be sent at the same time or soon after the application is made. Without this document the application cannot be considered by the Scientific Council.

Requests for admission to evidence are sent by the Academic Services for analysis by the Scientific Council until the 15th of each month.


The discussion of the final work is held in a public exam, and the announcement of the exams includes the identification of the respective jury and must be posted in a public place at the FFUL and published on the FFUL website.

The public defense of the final work must be scheduled within 30 working days from the date of receipt of the Report, except in exceptional situations, duly justified and agreed upon by all parties.

The student will be notified of the scheduling of the exam up to 10 working days before it takes place.

The exams must be held in person. The holding of tests in a hybrid system, that is, with elements present and at a distance, is an exception that depends on valid justification before the Scientific Council and the existence of technical conditions for its realization. When the hybrid system is used, at least the president of the jury, the doctoral candidate, and the member of the orientation team that is part of the jury must be present.

The discussion of the final work cannot exceed 90 minutes and all members of the jury may participate, and the student must have the same amount of time as the jury members.

Distribution of test times by student and jury members:

  • Before the start of the public discussion, the candidate must be given a period of up to 20 minutes to present his/her work. The jury members’ interventions may not exceed 35 minutes overall (20 minutes for the external arguer and 15 minutes for the supervisor). The candidate also has 35 minutes.

For more information, please see: Article 36 of the General Regulations of the Cycle of Studies leading to the Degree of Doctor of FFULisboa


Students who are unable to apply for the PhD Course proofs may exceptionally request one academic semester in order to complete the Advanced Training Course.

For this purpose, they must send a request to the following email address: doutoramentos@ff.ulisboa.pt with the following documents:

  • Request;
  • Advisor’s statement.


After being approved in the public defense act, the student has 60 working days, non-extendable, counting from the date of the exam, to proceed with the registration of the doctoral thesis topic. After completed and duly signed, the following document must be submitted in the FenixEdu Platform:


Postgraduate Studies Office: doutoramentos@ff.ulisboa.pt
