Meals: 225€/month
Rooms: 300 to 450€/month
Apartments: 450 to 600€/month
Passes for bus/tram/metro trips valid for 30 days: 35€/month
Museus/Monuments: 2 to 15€
Cinema: 6,50€
Theatre, Concerts: 20 to 75€
Portugal has a mild climate similar to Mediterranean countries.The climate varies depending on the altitude and the proximity to the sea.
Typically, temperatures are high during the months of July and August. Autumn and Winter are typically windy, rainy and cool, being cooler in the northern and central districts.
Foreign students can open a bank account in Portugal as long as their stay is longer than three months. For this purpose, they should go to any bank branch and deliver the following documents:
The currency unit in Portugal is the Euro (€). One euro is divided into 100 cents. The coins have eight values: 1, 2, 5, 10, 20 and 50 cents and 1 and 2 euros. The banknotes have the following values: 5, 10, 20, 100, 200 and 500 euros.
Portugal has a large network of ATMs (Automatic Teller Machines), known as Multibanco. These terminals are available 24 hours a day in numerous locations, especially near shopping centers, service stations, shops and of course the various banking branches. In order to access these terminals it is enough to have an ATM card, provided by any bank branch. ATM terminals accept most international cards (Visa, Mastercard, American Express and many others)
1 January: New Year’s Day (Ano Novo)
25 April: Freedom Day (Dia da Liberdade)
1 May: Labour Day (Dia do Trabalhador)
10 June: Portugal National Day (Dia de Portugal)
15 August: Assumption of Mary (Assunção de Nossa Senhora)
5 October: Republic Day (Implantação da República)
1 November: All Saints’ Day (Todos os Santos)
1 December: Restoration of Independence Day (Restauração da Independência)
8 December: Immaculate Conception (Imaculada Conceição)
25 December: Christmas Day (Natal)
Movable Holidays:
Good Friday
Feast of Corpus Christi