Rui Manuel Amaro Pinto
Assistant Professor
Research Unit
biographical note
Pharmacist, PhD in Pharmacy in the field of Pharmacology by the University of Lisbon, Master in Quality Control and Food Toxicology, Specialist in Clinical Analysis (AC) and Human Genetics (GH) by the Pharmacists Order (OF). Chairman of the Board of the College of Specialties in AC and GH of OF, member of the Committee for the Evaluation of Medicines (CAM-INFARMED) and of the Commission of the Portuguese Pharmacopeia, founding partner of the European Union of Pharmacists Specialists in AC and GH (EUPLMG). Pharmacology teaching and research mainly in the area of inflammation RESEARCHER ID A-8425-2014 ORCID ID 0000-0002-1667-7871 and works as a specialist at Joaquim Chaves Saúde.