Maria Manuela de Jesus Guilherme Gaspar
Assistant Researcher
Research Unit
Biographical Note
Maria Manuela Gaspar, has a degree in Chemical Engineering, and a PhD in Pharmacy, Pharmaceutical Technology. She belongs to the Department of Pharmacy, Pharmacology and Health Technologies and is a member of iMed.ULisboa. Her research is focused on the development and biological evaluation in vitro and in vivo of delivery systems for molecules with therapeutic potential for different routes of administration: pulmonary, intranasal, oral and parenteral, and establishment of animal models of infection, inflammation, tumors. She is co-author of articles, book chapters and patents, responsible for the animal facilities of Faculty of Farmacy of Universidade de Lisboa (FFUL), member of the ORBEA of the FFUL and belongs to the Governing Bodies of the Sociedade Portuguesa de Ciências em Animais de Laboratório.
ORCID ID 0000-0001-6814-7226 | SCOPUS ID 15834627800 | CIÊNCIA ID 3A10-0732-13F5