
Cristina Maria Martins de Almeida


Assistant Professor

biographical note

Teaching activities
Teaching in graduate (MICF) or postgraduate (MICF, RAMPS, MQAS, MAC, Reason – Colégio F3) studies of FFUL in the area of chemistry, bromatology and water quality.

Other activities
– Coordinator of national and European projects.
– Supervision of master and PhD students.
– Member of the Committee of Portuguese Pharmacopoeia.
– Coordinates and manages the laboratory of water analysis of FFUL.
– Collaboration with industry in the area of methods’ development.
– Consultancy services in accredited laboratories.

Research Interests
Advanced analytical techniques, mainly chromatographic, especially as applied to food and environmental problems. The basic research is focused on method validation and monitoring of compounds of emerging concern and contaminants in environmental and food matrices. The main compounds under study include the endocrine disrupter compounds, mycotoxins and pharmaceutical active compounds.


Internal Phone Line
14604 (Gabinete) / 14611 (Laboratório)
Edifício A - Laboratório de Bromatologia e Qualidade da Água