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Andreia Margarida Gonçalves Neves Carvalho


Junior Researcher

biographical note

Andreia N. Carvalho got her degree in Biochemistry (FCUL) in 2006 and her PhD in Pharmacy-Biochemistry (FFUL) in 2012. She did a Post-Doc at the VU Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands and is a junior investigator at iMed.ULisboa – FFUL since 2014. Carvalho’s main research focus is on the molecular mechanisms underlying mitochondrial dysfunction, oxidative stress/endoplasmic reticulum stress and associated neuro-axonal damage leading to neurodegeneration. She is interested in the search of new potential therapeutic targets and strategies for the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases, with a focus on mitochondrial dynamics and endogenous antioxidant machinery.

ORCID ID 0000-0001-9605-5054 | SCOPUS ID 55194180800 | CIÊNCIA ID A813-6CDE-641A


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