
Ana Francisca de Campos Simão Bettencourt


Associate Professor with Habilitation

biographical note

Associate Professor with Aggregation in Pharmaceutical Technology.
She has been teaching different topics in FFUL and in other universities for the last 24 years. She is co-responsible for the subject “Medical Devices” at MICF.
Her research interests are focused in the development of advanced systems for local drug delivery obtained at the nano scale and by 3D-printing. She supervises and participates in different research projects in the areas of biomaterials and medical devices.
She participates in the technical committes: ISO/TC 194 (Biological evaluation of medical devices) and CT 87 (Health Technologies).

ORCID ID 0000-0002-8498-5892 | SCOPUS ID 6603687672 | CIÊNCIA ID 7C1F-F932-33DC


Edifício H - Gabinete D.3.3