International Selection Competition for one Doctorate – FARM-ID Public Notice Number 4/2023/2022.03752.PTDC

Código: 2022.03752.PTDC

Designação: International selection competition for one doctorate position for the exercise of activities of scientific research in the field of Chemistry, in the form of an employment contract under an unspecified fixed-term work contract under the “Código do Trabalho” (Labor Code), for the development of the research project “AntibacML: Harnessing shared chemical and activity patterns in antimicrobial compounds to build improved computational models for the discovery of new antibiotics” 2022.03752.PTDC.

Categoria Profissional: Investigador(a) Júnior

Carreira: Investigação Científica

Number of vacancies 1

Data-limite: 15/06/2023

Unidade Orgânica: FARM-ID - Associação da Faculdade de Farmácia para a Investigação e Desenvolvimento

Destinatários: Investigadores

Type of Contests: Concourse for PhDs (Decree-Law n.º 57/2016) - FARM-ID

FARM-ID Public Notice Number 4/2023/2022.03752.PTDC

Applicants must submit the documents referred in PDF format to the email address, containing the identification of the notice (4/2023/2022.03752.PTDC)

The notice is open from 31 May to 15 June 2023 (10 working days).