International selection competition for one doctorate position – FARM-ID Public Notice Number 3/2022/LCF/PR/HP17/52190004

Código: Aviso FARM-ID 3/2022/LCF/PR/HP17/52190004

Designação: Competition for one doctorate position for the exercise of activities of scientific research in the field of Pharmaceutical Sciences, in the form of an employment contract under an unspecified fixed-term work contract under the “Código do Trabalho” (Labor Code), for the development of the research project Targeting the adipose tissue to treat fatty liver: role of TGR5 (La Caixa LCF/PR/HP17/52190004)

Categoria Profissional: Investigador(a) Júnior

Carreira: Investigação Científica

Number of vacancies 1

Data-limite: 8/06/2022

Unidade Orgânica: FARM-ID

Destinatários: Investigadores

Type of Contests: Concourse for PhDs (Decree-Law n.º 57/2016) - FARM-ID

Public Notice No. 3/FARM-ID/LCF/PR/HP17/52190004 – Portal Euraxess

Applications must be sent in PDF format, to the address by the closing date for the call, which is 10 working days, identifying the notice in question (Aviso FARM-ID 3/2022/LCF/PR/HP17/52190004).

The competition is open from May 26th to June 8th 2022 (10 working days).