
The evaluation methodology of each curricular units constant in the master’s course should take into account the nature of its scientific content, the competences to be developed and the teaching and learning methods.

The evaluation rules of the curricular units are contained in the syllabus presented at the beginning of each school year, approved by the Pedagogical Council.

The evaluations are held in two periods: Normal and Appeal, according to the schedule approved for each course.

If the student fails at the normal period, he will be automatically enrolled at the appeal one.


Grade improvement

Students who want to improve any mark have the possibility to do it once in their school course using the two following evaluation periods (Normal or Appeal).

The registration for improvement is made, up to three days before the date of the exam, on the FenixEdu Portal and can be cancelled up to two working days (until 4pm) before the exam.

This enrolment costs is € 15 per curricular units.


Special Season

Students who have up to three curricular units pending can benefit from a Special Season to finish the curricular part of the course.

Registration for Special Season is done up to three working days before the date of the exam, on the FenixEdu Portal, and can be cancelled up to two working days (until 4pm) before the exam takes place.

More information available at Regulamento Geral do Ciclo de Estudos conducente ao Grau de Mestre da FFULisboa (in Portuguese).

On the day of the assessment, students must collect the signature of the teacher in charge and submit the Attendance Statement on the Fenix Portal in order to be signed with a digital mobile key and returned to students by the same means.

To do so, they should follow the following steps: Personnel < Services < Requisitions < Create < Requisition Type < Attendance Statement < MICF Course < Create.

Postgraduate Studies Office: posgraduados@ff.ulisboa.pt.
