


Learning outcomes

The dissertation is a semester-long project or study that may fall within one of three modalities: 1. Scientific thesis, 2. Company project and 3. SCOPE project. Learning objectives will depend on the specific thesis project, but in general students should:

  • apply the knowledge acquired during their degree to undertake a project of a scientific, technological or management
  • extend their knowledge to areas not covered in the Master course that are required to meet the dissertation challenge.
  • search, obtain, compile and summarize information (scientific, technical, legislation, interviews, polls) relevant to the
  • plan and execute experiments, analyse and interpret data, develop mathematical models, perform computer

develop Critical and Innovative Thinking, Intrapersonnal and Interpersonal Skills. – write and orally present and discuss a dissertation document.


The dissertation is initialy defined by the supervisors or under the supervisor’s guidance. The dissertation can take place at IST or outside IST (universities, research centers or companies, in Portugal or abroad). The followingmodalities are possible:

  1. Scientific thesis: an in-depth and academically rigorous analysis of a scientific, technological or management May include experimental and/or computacional work.
  2. Company project: individual project focused on a specific challenge posed by a host company that requires a solution or analysis targeted for short term implementation.

SCOPE project: multidisciplinary team work based on real and complex problems/challenges posed by compamies or other institutions that require inputs from students from different courses of IST or the University of Lisbon.
