Get to know FFUlisboa


FFUL Open Day is held each year and is intended exclusively for 12th-year pupils.


| To inform people of the vast applications of pharmaceutical sciences, giving participants a better understanding of the teaching and scientific research practiced in the FFUL.

| To inform participants of the various professional routes on offer through the pharmaceutical sciences.

Participation subject to prior registration.


This event will not take place in 2021 due to the COVID-19 pandemic.


No âmbito da divulgação e promoção da FFUL junto de alunos pré-universitários, esta Faculdade pode receber grupos escolares interessados em conhecer a Escola desde que acompanhados por docente(s) da escola de origem.

Estas visitas ocorrem nos meses de abril e maio, estando sujeitas a autorização prévia da Direção. O docente responsável pelo grupo escolar interessado deve enviar o pedido para com, pelo menos, 10 dias úteis de antecedência, onde deve indicar:

a) O enquadramento/objetivo da visita;
b) Identificar o(s) professor(es) que acompanha(m) os alunos e respetivo(s) contacto(s);
c) O número de alunos e o nível de ensino;
d) Outras informações tidas por convenientes.

Outros pedidos neste âmbito, nomeadamente a título individual, serão direcionados para os eventos Dia Aberto e/ou Verão na ULisboa, que a FFUL organiza.
Não se efetuam visitas individuais a alunos, candidatos ou outros interessados na FFUL.



Each year the University of Lisbon (ULisboa) promotes “Discover ULisboa”, an interactive exhibition for 3rd-year basic education and secondary school pupils. The event involves a broad range of activities organized by ULisboa’s 18 schools, providing visitors with a journey through all the areas of knowledge taught at this university.

FFUL offers a number of activities at this event.

Free entry

Only Secondary School visits require prior registration.

Official event page


Summer at ULisboa is an initiative of the University of Lisbon (ULisboa) aimed at students in the 3rd cycle of basic education and secondary education to let them discover and experience the rhythm and spirit of academic life, and to carry out activities of a scientific, playful and sporty nature.

The FFUL programme, which is for 11th or 12th year pupils, aims to provide a hands-on experience as students of the Integrated Masters in Pharmaceutical Sciences (MICF) . In this context, participants will be able to visit FFUL laboratories and perform activities related to drug analysis, drug preparation, food and drug analysis, and microscopic observation of biological materials of human, animal and plant nature.

Official event page


Futurália is the largest Portuguese Educational, Training and Employability Fair. The FFUL takes part in the event – as part of the University of Lisbon team – with the purpose of publicizing its courses and to clarify any doubts potential candidates may have.

Official event page

Living Science in the Laboratory

The “Living Science in the Laboratory – Scientific Occupation for Young People on Holiday” Program is an initiative of Ciência Viva – National Agency for Scientific and Technological Culture that is aimed at providing students with effective contact with scientific thinking and methodologies used in the development of scientific and technological research projects.

The FFUL’s Research Institute for Medicines (iMed.ULisboa) participates in the event, offering one-week placements.

Official event page
