Translating Nanomedicines

Course Objectives

This two-course program was designed to train Researchers from Institutes and/or Industry in the area of Nanomedicines, providing the necessary knowledge to understand the manufacturing process, scale-up process, main methodologies and techniques to characterize pharmaceutical quality attributes, non-clinical and clinical requirements of Nanomedicines. It also intends to address issues related to Regulatory Science, Ethics, Intellectual Property and Patents of Nanomedicines.

Target Audience

Researchers in training or belonging to research institutes or industry laboratories with the aim of developing Nanomedicines.

Course Structure

This course is divided into two Modules:

  • Translating Nanomedicines – Basic Principles for Nanomedicines R&D (1) – which will run from 16 December to 20 December 2024;
  • Translating Nanomedicines – Hands-on: Manufacturing and characterizing Nanomedicines (2) – which will run from 2 June to 30 June 2025.


Number of ECTS:

Translating Nanomedicines – Basic Principles for Nanomedicines R&D (1)– 6 ECTS
Translating Nanomedicines – Hands-on: Manufacturing and characterizing Nanomedicines (2) – 6ECTS


The training hours are distributed as follows:

Translating Nanomedicines – Basic Principles for Nanomedicines R&D (1)

Theoretical hours: 21h
Practical hours: 0h
Laboratory hours: 0h
Tutorial hours: 5h

Translating Nanomedicines – Hands-on: Manufacturing and characterizing Nanomedicines (2)

Theoretical hours: 0h
Practical hours: 2.5h
Laboratory hours: 20h
Tutorial Guidance Hours: 10h
Timetable: Daytime

Course location: FFUL and FCUL

Program and Evaluation



This course includes two modules.

Specifically, for the first module, a set of seminars with several lecturers from different fields (academia, pharma industry, regulatory agencies, European Patent Office, etc.) will be carried out during 4 days of training. The last day (day 5) is for the evaluation. It is intended that students will acquire a multidisciplinary knowledge in the field of Nanomedicine and autonomously systematize the existing information based on scientific and technical literature that will support as a working basis for the development of a research project. Students will also develop skills for independent research work, individually and in research teams, as well as skills of analysis and discussion of economic consequences, socio-cultural and ethical implications of research and developments of Nanomedicines, including knowledge integration, and enhancing the identification of patentable results or of research outcomes liable to commercial exploitations.

After being approved on the first module, on the second one, the student will:

1) Consolidate knowledge of the Nanomedicines;

2) Acquire skills in the use of methodologies and techniques for characterization of Nanomedicines;

3) Promote the ability to integrate acquired knowledge in identifying appropriate solutions to problems of interdisciplinary nature;

4) Stimulate the capacity of independent selection and application of advanced experimental techniques to solve problems of scientific and technological nature.

Once the laboratory part is completed, student will present and discuss a proposal of a potential nanomedicine to a panel of guests from different fields. Here, the student will improve the ability to publicly and under different forms, display ideas and communicate research findings, by selecting and using the most appropriate and modern communication.


Teaching methodology

Translating Nanomedicines – Basic Principles for Nanomedicines R&D (1)

  • 80% of the final mark will correspond to the classification obtained in the Written Theoretical Exam (scale 0 to 20) and the remaining 20% to the Continuous Assessment evaluation (0 to 20). To approve, the final mark must be equal to or greater than 9.5.
  • The Written Theoretical Exam (1.5 h) will have the following structure: part I with 8 short answers questions (8.0/20) and part II with multiple choice questions (12.0/20). To approve, the final mark must be equal to or greater than 9.5.
  • For Continuous Assessment evaluation, the following parameters will be considered: attendance, punctuality, interest and critical spirit. To approve, the final mark must be equal to or greater than 9.5.
  • Improvements to the final mark are also planned. In this case, the PhD student is submitted to an oral exam.


Translating Nanomedicines – Hands-on: Manufacturing and characterizing Nanomedicines (2)

  • 70% of the final mark will correspond to the classification obtained in the Nanomedicine Project (scale 0 to 20) and the remaining 30% to the Continuous Assessment evaluation (0 to 20). To approve, the final mark must be equal to or greater than 9.5.
  • Improvements are also planned. In this case, the student is submitted to an oral exam.
  • The Nanomedicine Project will be subject to an oral and written evaluation, which will represent 60% and 40% of the final mark (on a scale of 0 to 20), respectively. The oral presentation will take place on the 10th day of training, for a maximum period of 30 minutes, followed by 30 minutes of discussion, involving the participation of the coordinator, the guest panel and the other students. This proposal will be preceded by the submission of a one-page summary (A4), which summarizes the content of the oral presentation (basis of the evaluation of the written component).
  • For Continuous Assessment, the following parameters will be considered: attendance (more than 2/3), punctuality, interest and critical spirit. To approve, the final mark must be equal to or greater than 9.5.



Applications and Registration 

Translating Nanomedicines – Basic Principles for Nanomedicines R&D (1)

  • 1st October to 30th November 2024.

Translating Nanomedicines – Hands-on: Manufacturing and characterising Nanomedicines (2)

  • 1 January to 31 May 2025.


Access Habilitations:

Competence in research in health-related sciences, pharmaceutical sciences, biology, biochemistry, medicine, biomedical engineering, among others.


Selection and seriation criteria: Submit an up-to-date CV.


Number of vacancies:

  • Minimum number of trainees for operation: 5
    Maximum number of trainees for operation: 25



Registration Fee:

  • Translating Nanomedicines – Basic Principles of R&D in Nanomedicines (1) – 250€
  • Translating Nanomedicines – Hands-on: Manufacture and characterisation of Nanomedicines (2) – 350€


Note: FFUL doctoral students who wish to take the course as part of their 1st year compulsory component are exempt from paying the registration fee.

  • School Insurance: 2.10

By application of paragraph e) of point 2 of Article 42 of the University of Lisbon’s Statutes, and taking into account the terms for the attribution of PRR funding under the “Impulso Adultos” program, the Organic Unit responsible for the coordination of each course may award academic performance prizes.


Access to the FenixEdu Platform:

  • If you have never been a student at FFULisboa you must pre-register on the FenixEdu Platform.
  • If you are a former student of FFULisboa and have already had an account campus@ulisboa or you should access the FenixEdu Platform and authenticate yourself with your account data.
  • If you have lost access to your account, you can recover your password in the ULisboa users area.
  • If you are a former student of FFULisboa and have never had an account campus@ulisboa or you must send an email to indicating your full name and ID document number.

Access the FenixEdu Platform.

  • On the “Applicant” tab, choose the type of application “Advanced Training Course – Translocation of Nanomedicines”
  • Fill out the online form and attach all documents in digital format.
  • Select the option “Submit”.


For information regarding the organization of the course, please contact the Academic Services:

For scientific information regarding the teaching of the course, please contact the Course Coordination.
