
Maria João de Jesus Nunes


Junior Researcher

biographical note

Maria Nunes completed her PhD in Pharmacy (Molecular and Cellular Biology), Universidade de Lisboa, in December 2012 and is currently a Junior Researcher at the Faculty of Pharmacy, Universidade de Lisboa and iMed.ULisboa.
Maria Nunes interests concern the relevance of epigenetic mechanisms in the context of neurodegeneration. Her work is focused on the role of histone deacetylases in brain cholesterol metabolism, with the goal of defining HDAC inhibition as a potential therapeutic tool on neurodegenerative conditions with impaired cholesterol metabolism. Moreover, the identification of transcriptional co-factors that participate in the regulation of brain cholesterol homeostasis is also part of her research work.

ORCID ID 0000-0002-4922-633X | SCOPUS ID 24780762700 | CIÊNCIA ID F817-6C0A-3AFF


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