Sem foto atribuída

Ana Paula Marreilha dos Santos


Assistant Professor

biographical note

PhD in Pharmacy, Toxicology, University of Lisbon (1993).
Responsible for the disciplines of Toxicology, Integrated Master, FFUL (16 years) and Food Toxicology, MQAS (20 years). Also collaborates in Master courses at FMUL, FCUL, FFUC.
Involved in metal neurotoxicology projects at the University of Vanderbilt (EUA) since 2004, having cooperated as “Visiting Professor” in the years of 2004, 2005, 2006 and 2010 at the same University.
Main area of interest: development of biomarkers of exposure and effect applied to occupational, environment and food Toxicology through in vitro, in vivo and human studies.
Risk Assessment consultant in an international food company.
Scientific publications (50).


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