Course Objectives

Multidisciplinary Project-based Learning in Pharmacy course objectives are:

  1. Explore how the acquired knowledge in three different scientific areas (chemistry, biology, and pharmaceutical sciences) can be integrated into a real context.
  2. Promote skills in:
  • Ability to argue, expose and share ideas
  • Networking between students from different backgrounds
  • Scientific reading
  • Scientific writing


Target audience

PhD students in biological/pharmaceutical/chemical sciencesDoctoral programmes in biological/pharmaceutical/chemical sciences

Course Structure

This course will run from February 04, 2024, to February 28, 2024, and has 22.5 hours of training.

Total of ECTS: 6 ECTS.

The training hours are distributed as follows:

  • Theoretical Hours: 4 hours
  • Practical hours: 6,5 hours
  • Tutorial Hours: 12 hours

The course will take place for 4 hours, on 4 consecutive Tuesdays, from 9am to 1pm. The rest of the time will be dedicated to individual work throughout each week.

Program and Evaluation


Multidisciplinary Project-based Learning in Pharmacy course is part of the PhD Programme in Pharmacy, and trains students to embrace new ways of thinking, outside their confort area, in order to generate a new approach to solve a real-world-based problem (for example, a pandemic disease). To achieve this goal, mixed groups of students (background in chemistry, biology, or pharmaceutical sciences) will provide the starting point for productive discussions that will culminate in the elaboration of a project capable of answering the proposed problem.
Understanding how to integrate multi- and translational disciplines will facilitate students to reinforce their critical thinking, communication skills, and networking among peers. These are key tools to develop a scientific personality, crucial for the upcoming years of their PhD programs.


Teaching Methodology: Project-based learning (PBL)

Learning and competences to be acquired by the student: ability to argue, expose and share ideas; increase the ability to work in study groups made up of people with different areas of knowledge; improve scientific reading and writing.


Applications and Registration: December 01, 2024 to January 05, 2025

Course start and end date: February 04, 2025 – February 28, 2025


Access Qualifications:

Master’s Degree

Selection and seriation criteria:

Scientific field and master’s degree grade

  • Minimum number of students to function: 9
  • Maximum number of trainees to run: 18

Enrolment fee:

  • Application: €10 (for general student applications, non-refundable)
  • 150€ for general student enrolments.
  • School insurance: 2.10€

Note: FFUL doctoral students who wish to take the course as part of their 1st year curricular component are exempt from paying the registration fee.

By application of paragraph e) of point 2 of Article 42 of the University of Lisbon’s Statutes, and taking into account the terms for the attribution of PRR funding under the “Impulso Adultos” program, the Organic Unit responsible for the coordination of each course may award academic performance prizes.


Access to the FenixEdu Platform:

  • If you have never been a student at FFULisboa you must pre-register on the FenixEdu Platform.
  • If you are a former student of FFULisboa and have already had an account campus@ulisboa or you should access the FenixEdu Platform and authenticate yourself with your account data. If you have lost access to your account, you can recover your password in the ULisboa users area.
  • If you are a former student of FFULisboa and have never had an account campus@ulisboa or you must send an email to indicating your full name and ID document number.

Access the FenixEdu Platform.

  • On the tab “Candidate”, choose the type of application: “Advanced Training Courses”, select the course “Multidisciplinary Project-based Learning in Pharmacy”.
  • Fill out the online form and attach all documents in digital format.
  • Select the “Submit” option.

NOTE: The application has an associated cost of 10€ for general student enrolments, which is non-refundable.


For information regarding the organization of the course, please contact the Academic Services:

For scientific information regarding the teaching of the course, please contact the Course Coordination.
