
Marta Bento Afonso


Assistant Professor


Marta B. Afonso is an assistant professor at the Faculty of Pharmacy, Universidade de Lisboa (FF.ULisboa). She holds a PharmD (2012) and PhD in Pharmacy (2017) both from  FF.ULisboa. Her PhD work was pioneer in depicting the role of necroptosis cell death in chronic liver disease, during which she was a visiting research trainee at Harvard Medical School, USA. Currently, she is developing her research activities focused on studying the interplay between cell death and (imuno)metabolism in cancer stem cells and gastrointestinal malignancies at iMed.ULisboa. She has published review and original research papers in major international peer review journals, such as the Gut, Hepatology, J Hep or Cell Death and Differ.

ORCID ID 0000-0003-3011-4941 | SCOPUS ID 55428400900 | CIÊNCIA ID 401C-8C11-1B93


Internal Phone Line
14531 (Office) e 14510 (Laboratory)
Edifício Carlos da Silveira (-1.04 e 0.06) e Biotério