Instituição | Papel da Instituição | Entidade Financiadora | Referência | Designação | Investigador Responsável |
Projetos Nacionais | |||||
FFUL | Participante | FCT | 2022.04623.PTDC | Hi2E-Synth: Iodo hipervalente para expandir o espaço químico e aceder a moléculas sintéticas nitrogenadas | |
FFUL | Proponente | FCT | Cooperação Portugal-França | Programa Pessoa 2022-2023 | Interplay between microglia and T cells at the basis for excessive synaptic pruning associated with Multiple Sclerosis Cognitive Impairment | |
FFUL | Proponente | PT2020 | LISBOA-01-0145-FEDER-072538 | Testimmuno Covid19: Avaliação da resposta imunitária e virológica em doentes Covid19 e pessoas vacinadas | |
FFUL | Proponente | FCT | UIDP/04138/2020 | Instituto de Investigação do Medicamento | |
FFUL | Proponente | FCT | UIDB/04138/2020 | Instituto de Investigação do Medicamento | |
FFUL | Proponente | FCT | PTDC/MED-NEU/29650/2017 | Controlo metabólico da reparação neural pela dieta e microbioma intestinal durante o envelhecimento | |
FFUL | Proponente | PT2020 | LISBOA-01-0145-FEDER-029097 |PTDC/MED-FAR/29097/2017 | Fígado gordo não alcoólico: biomarcadores, alvos e terapias emergentes | |
FFUL | Proponente | FCT | Cooperação Portugal-França | Programa Pessoa | Valorização de blocos sintéticos derivados da biomassa contendo a unidade de furano | |
FFUL | Participante | PT2020 | LISBOA-01-0145-FEDER-031395 | PTDC/MED-NEU/31395/2017 | Desenvolvimento de uma terapia para uso de exosomas autólogos após modulação de microRNAs em microglia e neurónios-motores recorrendo a modelos animais e humanos de esclerose lateral amiotrófica | |
FFUL | Participante | PT2020 | PDR2020-1.0.1-FEADER-032319 | PinusResina – Estabelecer novas cadeias de valor de transformação e valorização, competitiva e segura, de resina de Pinus em produtos de alto valor acrescentado | |
FFUL | Participante | PT2020 | LISBOA-01-0145-FEDER-024250 | SAICT-POL/24250/2016 | Assistente virtual para facilitar o autocuidado de pessoas mais velhas com diabetes tipo 2 | |
FFUL | Participante | PT2020 | PINFRA/22125/2016 | Rede Nacional de Espectrometria de Massa | |
Projetos Internacionais |
FFUL | Participante | Horizonte Europa | HORIZON Research and Innovation Action (GA 101080249) | SIMPATHIC - Accelerating drug repurposing for rare neurological, neurometabolic and neuromuscular disorders by exploiting SIMilarities in clinical and molecular PATHology | |
FFUL | Participante | Horizonte Europa | HORIZON Research and Innovation Action (GA 101080486) | Vax2MUC - Next Generation Vaccines against Gastrointestinal Mucosal Pathogens, using Helicobacter pylori as Model Pathogen | |
FFUL | Participante | Horizonte Europa | HORIZON European Innovation Council (GA 101099652) | FUNAMBULIST - FUnctional Nucleic Acids as Versatile SMart BUilding BLocks in Non-ConventIonal SolvenTs | |
FFUL | Participante | Horizonte Europa | HORIZON TMA MSCA Doctoral Networks (GA 101072895) | TClock4AD - Targeting Circadian Clock Dysfunction in Alzheimer’s Disease | |
FFUL | Participante | PT2020 | NORTE-01-0247-FEDER-047213 | SkanABility - Proof of concept for biological activity of cannabinoids and terpenes - cosmeceutical applications | |
FFUL | Participante | PT2020 | CENTRO-01-0247-FEDER-072630 | BioPinus - Biotransformação de resina proveniente de Pinus para a produção de biofixadores de pigmentos naturais com aplicação têxtil | |
FFUL | Participante | Horizonte Europa | HORIZON Research and Innovation Action (GA 101094131) | Fragment-Screen - From fragments to high affinity binders interfacing integrated structural biology, medicinal chemistry and artificial intelligence | |
FFUL | Participante | Plano de Recuperação e Resiliência | 13 | TEC4GREEN | |
FFUL | Participante | Plano de Recuperação e Resiliência | 37 | VIIAFOOD - Plataforma de Valorização, Industrialização e Inovação Comercial para o AgroAlimentar | |
FFUL | Participante | Plano de Recuperação e Resiliência | 28 | Bio-Hub - National R&D, Production, Marketing and Distribution Platform for Innovative Biopharmaceuticals | |
FFUL | Proponente | Plano de Recuperação e Resiliência | 3771 | (RE)Pensar a Faculdade de Farmácia da Universidade de Lisboa | |
FFUL | Participante | Horizonte Europa | HORIZON Research and Innovation Action (GA 101095479) | More-EUROPA - More Effectively Using Registries to suppOrt PAtient-centered Regulatory and HTA decision-making | |
FFUL | Participante | Horizonte Europa | HORIZON Research and Innovation Action (GA 101095679) | halt-RONIN - Discovering chronic inflammation biomarkers that define key stages in the Healthy-to-NASH (nonalcoholic steatohepatitis) transition to inform early prevention and treatment strategies | |
FFUL | Participante | Horizonte Europa | HORIZON TMA MSCA Doctoral Networks (GA 101073231) | OncoProTools - Protease‐guided tumor targeting tools to revolutionize cancer diagnosis and treatment | |
FFUL | Proponente | Fundação la Caixa | CaixaResearch Validate (CI22-00103) | Iron-triggered technologies as a novel targeted therapy for cancer | |
FFUL | Proponente | AstraZeneca | CoviVac - The response of immunocompromised people to COVID-19 vaccine | ||
FFUL | Participante | Comissão Europeia | EIT Health | i-Days – Innovation Days | |
FFUL | Proponente | Science for Peace and Security (SPS) NATO Program | SPS G5713 | Biofriendly Decontamination of Chemical Warfare Agents (EnzIL) | |
FFUL | Proponente | Horizonte 2020 | H2020-WIDESPREAD-2020-5 (GA 951996) | Straightening Training, Research and Innovation Capacities in the Valorization of Bio-Renewable Resources (Biomass4Synthons) | |
FFUL | Proponente | European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ESCMID) | ESCMID Research Grant 2018 | Decoding the peptidoglycan patterns associated with beta-lactams hypersusceptibility in drug-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis | |
FFUL | Participante | European Comission | LIFE-Environment and Resource Efficiency | GA LIFE14 ENV/PT/000739 | Improving current barriers for controlling pharmaceutical compounds in urban wastewater treatment plants | |
FFUL | Participante | Horizonte 2020 | MSCA Innovative Actions - Training Networks | H2020-MSCA-ITN-2016 (GA 722619) | Bioenergetic remodelling in the pathophysiology and treatment of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease | |
FFUL | Participante | Horizonte 2020 | Innovative Medicines Initiative 2 | H2020-JTI-IMI2-2016-09-two-stage (GA777377) | Identification and validation of biomarkers for non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) and across the spectrum of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) | |
FFUL | Participante | Horizonte 2020 | MSCA Research and Innovation Staff Exchange | H2020-MSCA-RISE-2016 (GA 734719) | Non-invasive Profiling of Mitochondrial Function in Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease | |
FARM-ID | Participante | Horizon Europe | HORIZON-INFRA-2023-DEV-01 (GA 101132028) | IMPULSE - IMProving User experience, Long-term sustainability and Services of EU-OPENSCREEN | |
FARM-ID | Participante | Horizon Europe | HORIZON-WIDERA-2023-ACCESS-02 (GA 101159400) | STRIMHealth - Strengthening Translational Research for Improved Metabolic Health |