José A. Guimarães Morais foi eleito, a 30 de julho de 2020, Fellow da Associação Americana de Cientistas Farmacêuticos (American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists – AAPS). A eleição do Professor Emérito da FFUL foi proposta à AAPS por Leslie Benet com a recomendação de Douwe D. Breimer, Vinod P. Shah e A.Atilla Hıncal.

Com esta eleição a AAPS reconhece não só a excelência profissional, mas também o impacto que o trabalho científico desenvolvido por José A. Guimarães Morais, como líder na sua área, teve na saúde global e para a missão da AAPS.

A cerimónia de entrega de prémios concedidos pela AAPS decorre online, a 26 de outubro de 2020, no âmbito do PharmSci 360 2020.

“Each year, AAPS elevates a few members to Fellow Status in recognition of their professional excellence and sustained superior impact in fields relevant to AAPS’s mission: to advance the capacity of pharmaceutical scientists to develop products and therapies that improve global health. AAPS Fellow is an AAPS member whose outstanding accomplishments distinguish them as a leader in their field and whose contributions advance the development and availability of products and therapies that improve global health. Their scientific achievements are considered innovative and highly impactful by their peers, and they are recognized for their leadership in developing creative solutions to challenges encountered in the discovery, development and/or regulation of pharmaceuticals and biologics. The status of Fellow is in recognition of this professional excellence and sustained superior impact to global health and to the AAPS Community. Consistent with this excellence, AAPS Fellows are expected to continue to actively contribute to their field and to AAPS through their involvement in AAPS‐sponsored activities.”